Friday, November 12, 2010

I have not blogged in 9 months!

Where. does. the. time. go?! I dont even understand where the time has gone and how I have let 9 months slip right past me without even noticing I have not updated this blog!

There is evidently far too much to catch up on ... i will try my best to sum up the past 9 months briefly.

In May I finished another semester at Rutgers and immediately began to prepare for my Semester at Sea SUmmer 2010 voyage that would be departing on June 15th, 2010.
The month of May and the beginning of June were filled with tons of mixed emotions. I was scared out of my mind to venture out on a 10 week voyage across the Atlantic Ocean without even a friend by my side to make things better. I was also trying to fit in as much time with my friends, family, and boyfriend as possible. It was the hardest thing saying "goodbye" (temporarily, of course) to my boyfriend, but after that trip, I seriously have no doubt we could get through anything.

I had no friends, no knowledge of what to expect, and I packed my life for the next 2+ months into 2 rolling duffle bags from Walmart. For such a hoarder and over-packer, I am surprised I even managed this.

I took a much needed break from KimArt, from work, school (well I actually was still taking 3 classes while on the ship), and just took a nice break from life in general.

My first stop was Spain, then I went to Italy, Greece, Croatia, Turkey, Egypt, and Morocco.
My trip was filled with indescribeable experiences and I gained a lot of knowledge that is sometimes difficult to explain as well...

I broke out of my shell, rode donkeys in Greece, rode camels in Egypt, saw the pyramids, visited the Sistine Chapel, walking the city walls of Dubrovnik - all by myself. I am confident I can do anything i set my mind to.

If you are interested in reading the details of every port, city, and country I visited, please read:

Ok, I dont want to bore you all with talk of my travels. i am home now (have been since August 21st), back at Rutgers for another semester, and getting back into the swing of things on Etsy.

I am also redecorating my room which is so exciting! I am painting it a light trimmings will be white and I will put bursts of color into unexpected places....just wait, you'll see ;) I plan on doing a lengthy post about my renovation, so stay tuned and thanks for reading!


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